Thank YOU!

Thank you for the gift of your time today. My prayer is each time you stop to visit you are blessed with truth, and encouraged to keep going ~ one foot in front of the other, chin up ~ simply because you've been reminded you are on the road to VICTORY!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 6 - Adventure *Journeying with Jesus*

So, on day 6 of this amazing adventure through daily blogging, I actually had no time to post a blog.  All day as I completed "the necessary", my mind wandered into the "wish I could".  This is a healthy wandering for a mental coffee break out on the back porch of my heart.  As I worked on the necessary, I looked for opportunities to sneak in at least a 5 minute blog, however, slowly I began to accept the reality it just wasn't going to happen on this particular day.

The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.

The adventure of yesterday was accepting my limitations.  Yes, I accepted a challenge, but there are many other aspects of my life for which I have responsibility and to which I am committed.  One aspect of my life for which I have responsibility is my health and well being.  Though I used to stay awake well after our seeds had been tucked into their beds just so I could enjoy the peaceful-ness of silence, and then successfully navigate the next day on 3 cups of coffee and 5 hours of sleep; at 51, I can't!  I now NEED and rather enjoy a full 7 hours of sleep, at least!

He makes me lie down in green pastures,

Yesterday, was a wonderful day, in my mind I was writing all day long.  I was working on the task at hand, but then every once in awhile, the blog I was writing in my mind had another thought, the next sentence, and even an idea for the next day.  At lunch I took a couple of minutes to jot sticky notes and later hung them on the wall in my prayer room for future inspiration.  Now, that is not a limitation; the ability to think creatively in the middle of duty is a gift! 

He leads me beside quiet waters, 

Yesterday, was a wonderful day, the LORD blessed me with an opportunity to meet a sister in Christ, the friend of a friend, who sent me the link to the 31 day writing challenge. She's a blogger - a real blogger - so we were able to share delights and challenges of writing. Beyond the craft of writing though, we shared our hearts.  We shared just an overview of our amazing journeys toward Jesus and with Him, and in the process we found several places where Good Shepherd has connected our paths.  And better yet, we shared places we think we might be able to go together with Good Shepherd leading.  Now, this was not a limitation on my day; this new friend is a gift! 

He restores my soul.

So, my intent was to sit down in the quiet at the end of the long day, responsibilities and commitments complete, limit myself to an hour, and with acceptance and JOY, post the blog accomplished in that amount of time.  It was a great idea, and I think I will implement this plan tonight, as the LORD wills.  

He guides me in paths of righteousness

Last night, however, became an experiential lesson in limitations as I became physically ill, increasingly so as the evening faded into night.  I recognized the symptoms: a blazing headache, dull at first, intensifying with every few minutes; the kind that will only be resolved by sleep.  I know my body by now, and I know the consequences of ignoring sleep.  Last night I received the full punishment I had inflicted on myself over the past 6 days.

for His name's sake.

So, Adventure Day 7 will be the blog I wrote in my head, but didn't get to type or post because Adventure Day 6 was yet another lesson in accepting my limitations! 

Blessings of GREATEST JOY on this amazing adventure journey with JESUS!
Psalm 23:1-3

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