Thank YOU!

Thank you for the gift of your time today. My prayer is each time you stop to visit you are blessed with truth, and encouraged to keep going ~ one foot in front of the other, chin up ~ simply because you've been reminded you are on the road to VICTORY!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Five Minute Friday:Open

Today, even though it is not Friday, I am participating in five minute friday #fmfparty with Kate Motaung and a bunch of beautiful, brave women.  The idea of five minute friday is simple really; though I have a difficult time stopping at five minutes!  

Kate Motaung posts a word for the week on her website (  Then lots and lots of us take the challenge to set a timer for five minutes and write as we are inspired regarding the word.  There are to be no re-writes or edits.... simply type out our five minute thoughts, post and share.

This week the word is OPEN.


Revelation 3:20
Listen!  I (Jesus) stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me.

Hospitality is the theme of just about everything the Holy Spirit points out to me along this particular portion of my faith journey.

As I pondered the word OPEN, Revelation 3:20 popped right to forefront of my thinking.  I've read this verse so many times.  

I've prayed it over many people I care about.  I've asked, "LORD Jesus, will you call this name out loud as You knock?  Will You unplug their ears so they will hear You knocking?  LORD, will they not turn a deaf ear, open the door and invite You in?

Hospitality - Jesus is all about it!  He stands at the door and knocks.  Jesus is a gentleman.  He knocks.  He waits for an invitation.

And then He doesn't just give up so easily and walk away.  He calls out, "Listen!  I'm out here.  I'm knocking.  Do you hear my voice?"

Jesus asks to be invited in.  He says right up front, "I want to be with you.  If you'll only open the door...I want to come in and have communion with you."

Jesus.  Gentleman.  He won't break down the door or force His way inside.  
Jesus.  Friend of sinners.  He greatly desires to be invited in to dinner.  
Jesus.  Savior.  He wants to be with us forever.

What do ya think?  Won't you let Him in?
Open the door of your heart.

And if you have already done so, isn't it wonderful to accept the hospitality of Jesus?  
Isn't it wonderful to host His presence?

Blessings of GREAT JOY on your amazing adventure journey with Jesus!

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