(Jesus) told
many stories in the form of parables, such as this one:
“Listen! A
farmer went out to plant some seeds. As he scattered them across his
field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them.

Other seeds
fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants.
Still other
seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty,
and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!
Anyone with
ears to hear should listen and understand.” Matthew 13:3-9 NLT
This is a familiar passage. I've
read it many times. I’ve heard a number
of sermons on this parable as well.
Through this Lent season, I’m reading
through the Gospels. About two weeks in,
I’ve paused here. The significance of
these words for my own life seem to be highlighted.

At first glance, I see all the
elements of the parable are present in my heart garden. It’s messy, overgrown in some places, weed and
thorn infested in other places.
I see the well-worn, soil-hardened
foot path; the place where old hurts are trampled over and over to justify
judgment. The hard soil reveals a rocky
layer just underneath. It’s dry and
brown and tough!
My heart garden, without the Love and
Care, Skill and Wisdom of the Master Gardener, is dead and unproductive. The seeds of Life will be scattered. Truth will fall upon this dry, rocky garden,
but to no avail.
This is not what I want!
I desire the fertile soil, which
produces the bountiful crop of which Jesus spoke. I want to be a productive fruit bearer. Yes, the lush, rich, beautiful and fruitful
garden is what I desire for my heart.
Master Gardener, take over the garden
of my heart. Till the hardened soil
along the footpath. Break up the rocky
ground and help me to gather all the rocks to create a beautiful safety
boundary around my heart garden.
Pull up weeds, the produce of bad
seeds (the lies of the enemy) scattered to and fro. Remove old stumps of unforgiveness. Prune back the overgrown places, so new
growth will come in strength and vitality.
Water my heart garden with Your Living
Water, especially after You have lovingly allowed some fertilizer to be
sprinkled around my roots.
I thank You today, Master Gardener,
for Sovereignly tending my heart garden with love and care and wisdom.
I thank You for creating fertile soil
in my heart, for sowing Your seeds of Truth, and for growing my roots down deep
in this good soil. Thank You for the
beautiful fruit bearing trees You’ve planted throughout my heart garden, as
Most of all, I thank You, Master
Gardener, for never leaving me untended and for the eternal source of Living
May I continually surrender every
square inch of my heart garden. May my
heart garden be beautiful and available to all who peek in, and bear much fruit
for Your Glory.
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