keeping us from completely focusing on Jesus this Christmas season.
In our attempt to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, is there anything in the way of our view? Is there a distraction? Might we have a love - something we hold tightly to our self, which keeps our eyes averted from His.
What if the Lord were to ask us to place on His altar, our distractions, our beloved treasure? Genesis 22:1-18 God asked Abraham to offer his son, Isaac, on the altar of sacrifice. Let this truth sink in: God asked for Isaac; the son of promise, the son through whom God promised offspring in number as the stars in the night sky, a nation, a land, and a blessing for all the peoples of the earth.
Abraham obeyed immediately and placed his beloved son, Isaac, on the altar of the Lord. Abraham didn't know how, but he trusted the Lord, God, Himself would provide and keep His Holy promise. And God provided a ram for the burnt offering.
Lord, God, You created us and You know us inside and out. You know where we trust You completely and You know the exceptions. You understand when we say, "I believe, help my unbelief!"
Oh Lord, we are not hiding anything from You. You know what keeps us from focusing on You. Please, by Your Holy Spirit, put a spotlight on anything and everything keeping us from full devotion to You.
We want to love You first with our whole heart. We want to keep our eyes fixed on You continually, moving in closer, trusting You more completely and withholding nothing from You!
Father, God, may You be able to say to us as You said to Abraham, " I know you fear God, seeing you have not withheld..." Genesis 22:12 In Jesus' Holy and Saving name, we ask, we trust, and obey expectantly. Amen!
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