Not everyone knows what I know.
Hold on, please, before you think me arrogant. Let me explain...
When I began my first professional job out of college, one overarching rule was continually preached. Don't assume; you'll make an ass out of u and me! Lest I assume everyone has heard this advice, ass/u/me, get it?
Thirty years later, I've not forgotten the lesson, and thirty years later I can agree; it is true, I've proven it a time or two myself.

Cleaning up after the party, I was reminded (lightbulb), not everyone knows what I know. I was also reminded of a story my dad told me years ago. He, along with mom, and some friends were discussing the funny looking guy with the rainbow wig who kept popping up at football games holding a sign which read 'John 3:16'. One lady spoke up, "What does that mean anyway?". My dad,
assuming everyone knew what he knew, laughed and said, "Everyone knows John 3:16!" Silence...she, and perhaps others at the table, didn't know. My dad felt like a "you know what"!
Lest I assume everyone knows what I know, John 3:16 means this... God so loved the world (us, the people in the world) He gave His one and only Son (Jesus) so that whoever (everyone who, including you and me) believes in Him (proclaims He is the Son of God) will not be condemned, but have eternal LIFE with Him.
This is good news...
if you know it like I know it!
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