My prayer for you and me this week...the second week of Advent...is to receive peace through the ministry of reconciliation given to us by Christ and, in turn, as far as it depends on us, to live at peace with everyone.
(2 Corinthians 5:18 & Romans 12:18)
This sounds like a nice sentiment for the Christmas season doesn't it? Truly though, complete peace has eluded me this week as I learned my actions deeply offended a friend's brother. Have you ever longed for reconciliation and a restoration of peace?
How could I be so careless, and yet have such pure intent toward this man? I made an assumption when I should have diligently verified the resource. I walked right into the devil's scheme to confirm this man's view of Christians; those people who declare, "Jesus loves you!" only to scream, "and by the way, you're going to hell!"
Oh Lord, Jesus, I need You, the One Who came to reconcile my sinful self to Your Righteousness; I need You to make a way for me to be reconciled to this dear man.
As I have prayed so many times in the past, Lord Jesus, I have made a complete mess of this attempt to show Your love, and I need You to make up for my failure. Please do the miraculous as I (and maybe others reading along) pursue peace and reconciliation.
Lord, Jesus, thank You for making a victory out of the devil's desire to defeat and destroy. Thank You for the victory which comes from submitting myself under Your authority, confessing my sin, and thank You for restoring my peace. We pray all glory and honor and praise will be Yours, Jesus, in Your Holy name. Amen!
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