I am praying before I set the timer, Holy Spirit will take over to inspire my thoughts with truth from God's word; to bring encouragement to all who read. I pray these five minutes of words forming a thought will become a cup of cool, refreshing water to many parched souls...including my own.
Ready, set, GO....
When.Jesus was traveling from Judea to Galilee. On His way, he became tired and stopped to rest at Jacob's well in Sychar of Samaria. It was around noon..."When a Samaritan woman came to draw water."
Jesus seeing the woman about to draw water asked her for a drink, "Will you give Me a drink?"

And yet, Jesus pursued the conversation with the woman. He broke down the barriers of social norms and cultural prejudice because He walked into her life, her circumstances and instead offered her the hospitality.
When Jesus came to town, He opened the door of hospitality and offered a cup of refreshing Living Water...
John 4
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