So, on this second day of 31, questions bob along the waves of my thinking.
Who would click on an adventure blog? Will anyone?
What are the common denominators of such people - personality, birth order, stage of life? Will adventure seekers or wannabe adventurers be attracted to such a topic?
And - of course - why did I sign up to do this for 31 days?
For most of the day, I've worked my real job with no time to journal my thoughts or even jot a few notes. Clerical work in a middle school is fast paced, non-stop and emotionally demanding.
(So many hurting children, frustrated adults, strained & crumbling families carried to Jesus in prayers murmured under my breath all day long. Good Shepherd hears and receives the burden; yet my heart is pierced - more so His - for the fallen-ness of our human state.)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer...with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Even so, the questions continually pop up, circle round and eventually sink again under the current of thought processes - just as a raft through rapids gets caught in an occasional whirlpool. All throughout the day I long for a quiet sort through the questions, and give them a resting place in written form.
Now late in the evening, work is finished, fitness hour complete, dinner (heated left overs) enjoyed, and dishes put away; I have opportunity to reflect and type.
For the first time since pre-dawn hours, I am sitting in my quiet place, candle flickering, cozy blanket tucked around my legs, and a pup at my feet - her brother on a pillow nearby.

This is my prayer room, the secret place where I meet with Father as soon as I pull my sleepy body from the comfort of my sleep number and pour a steamy cup of black coffee.
My preference is to stay here... where Jesus' Presence is easily recognizable and His voice clear in the silence. I tarry each morning (longer than I have time before getting ready for work) with Father's written letters.
I linger just a few extra minutes to journal my own back to Him. Written prayers in the form of love notes...true confessions...thank yous...and walks down memory lane...questions about the future...words of devotion and loyalty...calling on the names of His Holy Character.
"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name, you are Mine."
I'd rather stay... spend the (greater than average number of) words He's given me in His Throne Room, sitting at Jesus' feet, reclining and listening...learning...growing up!
Sounds like adventure to me...this amazing daily journey with Jesus. It is not I who holds the map or the itinerary. Nor do I have any inkling as to the length of our journey to the finish line.
Only He knows such!
So, I trust... determined to journey close...eyes fixed on Jesus.
Sounds like adventure to me!
Blessings of GREATEST JOY on our journey with Jesus,
Philippians 4:6 ESV & Isaiah 43:1 HCSB
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