We’re driving
9 hours north this Fall day. It’s a
tiresome drive, so we take turns at the wheel – me and STFM(Sun-tanned feet
man). The frequent weekend trips, of
late, create (for us) a bit of a quandary.
We want to visit, we feel we need to visit, and we wish we didn’t have
to visit under the circumstances.
In August,
Mom B suffered a massive stroke. At 91,
there was a question as to whether she would survive such a significant brain trauma,
and even more difficult questions if she did survive. STFM and I, we believe Creator God wrote the
story of Mom B’s life before the foundation of the earth, and only He knows
when she will go home to Him.
...all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began. Psalm 139:16
The questions
are more than the answers, and emotions run high and strong among family
members with varying opinions regarding end of life decisions. It’s all nothing short of painful, and none
of it is what God intended for us. We
were meant to dwell in His garden, in purity and trust, in wholeness and intimacy,
with Him forever! (Genesis 1-3)
Mom B.
survived, but only God knows His purpose in allowing her to remain. We wonder what she would say if she were
able. As a family we might not agree on
many points, however we all know Mom B would not want to finish her race this
way. She is bedridden and needs round the clock
care. For Mom B – for everyone – there is
a new normal, and it’s difficult and sad.
For all of
us, this is uncharted territory. We’ve
not walked here before, and we have no map.
There’s no itinerary, no plan, no schedule…just a day to day walking in
the shadows. Experiencing firsthand, the
definition of faith…believing and trusting God’s goodness and plan when circumstances
shout doom and despair.
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if
there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on
these things.
Philippians 4:8
To give STFM
a break, I drove through Tennessee and into Kentucky. As he rested and enjoyed the beauty of the scenery
from the passenger seat, I asked if he’d like to be my guest blogger today.
He told me he
would, but his post would be short. Encouraging
him on I said, “Short and to the point is possibly the best idea for today, so
go ahead”. Without further delay, please
welcome the debut guest post of my one and only - STFM…
“The leaves are pretty
in Tennessee.”

in the LORD always. I will say it again:
Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident
to all. The LORD is near.
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