No only looks like a real alligator. |
On one memorable outing, the two seeds and I grabbed a cart and took off to accomplish our errand. As any good mom would do, I promised a trip to McDonald's to reward good behavior. I admonished both seeds to stay with me, right by my side, and off we went.
Our seeds - brothers forever! |
For our young adventurer, the sights and sounds of the toy aisle were far too enticing. And shopping, mom style, was B.O.R.I.N.G. Several times, young seed made moves toward the toys, but I refocused him to stay with his brother. I promised to walk through the toy aisle on our way to the checkout lane.
Trying to finish up the necessary, I turned away from seeds and cart. It was a moment of concentration, but when I turned back only one seed stood looking at me...the eldest seed. "Where's your brother?" The shoulders shrugged and the brow wrinkled.
I wasn't overly concerned. It was the toy aisle. He couldn't help himself. So, we headed confidently to find young seed.
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.'" Luke 15:4-6
To infinity and beyond... |
He wasn't there. I felt fear rise up, and I began calling his name. With each aisle and no sign of my missing seed, I called louder. Finally I located an employee and frantically tried to get her to understand my child was lost.
The kind woman followed procedure and called for a "Code Adam" over the loud speaker. The manager asked me for a description. The front doors were sealed, and employees swept the store searching for a wandering, lost looking child.
In reality, only minutes went by before I was paged to the front doors. As I ran, one seed by the hand, toward the sound of the page, I saw him...the younger seed. He was standing up by the front doors with the greeter.
Always making us laugh! |
Relieved, I called to him. He stopped, looked at me quizzically, and asked, "What's wrong, Momma?" I told him I was worried and afraid because he was lost. Undaunted, my young adventure seed exclaimed, "I'm not lost! I'm a greeter!"
Should I laugh, cry, scream? I scooped him into my arms, hugging him and his brother; so grateful for the return of my lost sheep. I thanked the greeter, the manager, the employees who had searched and taken the whole situation seriously. All the adults and the older seed were relieved while the younger still couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about!
The next time we headed out on a shopping errand I gave youngest seed the ultimatum. Knowing his affinity for velcro, I told him we were going to pretend we each had velcro attached to our sides. He could walk in the store as long as he attached himself (velcro to velcro) to my side. If he detached his velcro from my velcro and wandered off, young seed would have to ride in the cart.period.end of discussion.
Ah, but sometimes their lessons are meant for me too.
There came a day, not many years ago, when I was wandering, distracted by sights and sounds and dreams and desire to "do something" exciting for God. I wasn't seeking His face, I was shopping popular trends of our culture.
It was in this season I heard the Lord, my Father, calling me in the deep place of my heart, "Lisa, my daughter, you need to come and velcro yourself to my side!"
I've said for years, "One day I'm going to write a book entitled, 'Everything I know about God I learned from raising sons'" Maybe one day...
Blessings of GREATEST JOY on your amazing adventure journey with Jesus!
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