In one of the previous four posts I noted that I am fairly spontaneous and more so as I mature. Hopefully, and I believe it's true, I am more free, and worry less, than at any other mile marker on my journey. Yet, I'm still in process; the clay on the Potter's Wheel!
Our mouths were filled with laughter then, and our tongues with shouts of joy. Then they said among the nations,
"The LORD has done great things for them."
I'm laughing at myself...
Somehow I missed one of the key elements of this particular 31 day writing challenge. Through the various interactions with other bloggers, including the many posts I've had the pleasure to ponder, I've suddenly realized the main objective is to write "something" each day for 31 days related to my topic.
If you're reading this, you might be thinking, "Wow, isn't that fairly obvious?" And yes it is; however, the difficulty lies in the translation of the word "something". I've defined it as a short essay or perhaps a novelette. Many of the bloggers have much more realistic expectations, budgeting as little as 5 minutes a day for writing their posts, and some an hour or two.
In 5 minutes, I might have a word, a picture or possibly a font selection!
I'm laughing at myself...
A day late to the challenge, I accessed the website,, got excited about the possibilities and jumped right into the deep end. I didn't take time to read the entire website for rules or guidelines. In fact, just tonight I went back to the website and read the "Tips" section, which by the way was very helpful!
So, I'm laughing at myself...
I've spent hours, usually about four and sometimes more, putting each post together. The perfectionist trap is taunting me - threatening to sap me of time, energy, and creativity. I've wasted so much time - typing, deleting, and re-typing. I hear the accusations, "It's not good enough. Who do you think you're fooling? You're not a writer!" Worse, I've allowed time to be stolen from precious relationships, and I've made myself vulnerable with a lack of sleep.
I'm laughing at myself...
For all the freedom and healing the LORD has blessed me with, on my journey with Him till now, some of the old habits, the snares, the old lies still slither onto my path. I started out in freedom and enthusiasm to take a faith walk...trusting...eyes on Jesus. Like Peter, I just climbed out of the boat and started walking. And somehow, unaware, I've allowed doubt, fear and uncertainty to creep in. I see it's time for a correction.
I wonder, am I the only one?
Immediately Jesus reached out His hand, caught hold of him, and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"
I'm laughing at myself...

Lord, Jesus, forgive me for doubting You, and forgive me for entertaining the lies of the enemy even for a moment. Thank You for the way You created me, and for the name by which You call me...Pioneer! I'm so grateful You have clothed me with Your righteousness, and filled me with Your Spirit. May the Spirit's good fruit be an abundant crop through the words and inspiration You provide. And may I trust You more and more to spill forth easily, in trust and obedience, the words You bring to mind and out of my fingers...for Your You laugh with me because You are delighted in me, Your very own creation! Lord, I pray this might be the prayer of many sisters, in Your Holy name...
Psalms 126:2 and Matthew 14:31
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