So, on Day 14 of this amazing writing adventure, I woke up with one word in my thoughts...

I pulled myself up and out of the sleep number, moving myself slowly down the stairs toward the lovely aroma of coffee brewing. I'm not a morning person. Quiet and dim light are perfect companions for my early morning date with Jesus.
This morning, the 14th, I was tired, weary, and really struggling to wake up. I held my cup of hot freshly brewed coffee right under my nose and sipped slowly for a long time.
I wanted to open my Bible and journal, read the next Psalm or two and write a prayer in my journal. I wanted to get busy, however, I was unable to motivate myself past the thought of the one word...
So, I just sat with my coffee in the midst of the Holy Trinity, and asked -
Lord, Jesus, what do You want me to know about this one word?
What is Your message for me today?
I want to hear from You; sit at Your feet and absorb Your teaching into the core of me!
The Scriptures circling my mind were Genesis 1 - God's creation of the perfect home for us, His beloved, and then also John 14 - Jesus' words of hope for our future home with Him.
Before the beginning of time, the identification with home has been sewn into our hearts by a Loving Creator and Father. No wonder I look forward to the adventure out there, but my heart longs for home!
Jesus, our Bridegroom, encourages our hearts to this day with this promise -
In My Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am.
John 14:2-3
As I've pondered this word...
even through the normal routine of this day,
it suddenly occurred to me -
Jesus left HOME, sent by Father on an adventure to our fallen world in an elaborate plan to rescue God's! Just as Scripture reports, Jesus delighted in doing the will of the Father, and yet surely He longed for HOME, His Kingdom HOME.
And so even as Jesus Christ, the One and Only begotten Son, came to seek and to save us who are rebellious and lost, His mission has always been to beckon us toward HOME. When His mission to earth was complete, Father called Jesus to return to His Throne in Heaven, setting an example for us. This is the way Father always intended it to be...for our hearts to desire HOME!

Home again, home again...
Jiggity Jog!
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